Mrs. Arezoo Hajiaghazadeh interview by Eqtesad online news broadcast site

<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Application of unauthorized additives or beyond standard limits, is what has created worries among people in connection with breads’ safety. In view of the explanations of custodians of bread production such as ministry of agriculture, concerning the wheat quality and two points increase of bread quality from 82 to 84 nevertheless, some of the executives in bread health area are still warning about the safety of bread and quality of wheat available in the country. The warnings according to Mrs. Arezoo Hajiaghazadeh’s viewpoint, flour and bread expert and director of Parand Golden Flour company, cannot be ignored.
In an interview with Eqtesad online reporter while emphasizing that improvement of bread quality compared to previous years cannot be denied, she added that the quality of available breads in the country is far from the world standard level.
Hajiaghazadeh stated that our wheat has improved in terms of quality, quantity and productivity yet, it is still far from quality wheat suitable for baking bread.
She added that Gluten is one of the most important proteins in the production of quality bread. Appropriate Gluten for making quality bread, needless of any additives, should be above 27. However, the Gluten of most of our locally produced wheat is below 27.
Arezoo Hajiaghazadeh mentioned that some state regions such as Golestan and Khoozestan produce good wheat with appropriate protein. However, the product is kept for their domestic use in the province and is not sent to other provinces.
She continued that the wheat produced in provinces with high population rate such as Tehran and Alborz does not suffice their needs and they will have to import wheat from other provinces in which connection, they usually send their poorest quality wheat.
This expert referred to the government’s decision about the ban on importing wheat and stated that in the past, factories and some companies imported wheat whose flour was mixed with local wheat flour to obtain quality flour to obtain quality flour suitable for baking bread. However, importing wheat has been forbidden for almost a year now and factories have to use any type of wheat for the production of flour.
She claimed that when quality flour is not produced and delivered, bakers have to use illegal additives or add salt excessive of standard level.
She emphasized that in such risky process, factories and bakeries are not to be blamed for and to resolve this problem, right policies should be made by ministry of agriculture and respective authorities.
Hajiaghazadeh believes that one of the approaches to resolve this problem is import of wheat by the factories in a controlled manner. In this regards, factories mix it with domestic wheat, produce better quality and safer flour and deliver it to the bakers.
She believes that Russia, Germany and Australia are the convenient countries for the import of wheat suitable for mixing with local wheat.
Hajiaghazadeh indicated that the required amount for wheat importation is 4 million tons and stated that this amount of quality wheat is an appropriate amount for not only avoiding damage to government’s reserves but insuring people’s health while maintaining occupational and economic safety for farmers
This flour and bread in reply to the question that “Import permit for foreign wheat was granted to a number of factories and companies beforehand. What should be done to prevent repetition of previous problems and monopolies or jobberies ? She said previous problems were created because of brokers had interfered import of wheat and used imported wheat for other applications.
Hajiaghazadeh continued that once GTC found out about the violations, had the number of companies reduced and asked the factories to present their purchase record to recognize which one has imported wheat. Then, they provided a list and authorized only the factories which did not commit any violations to have direct purchase.
She also demanded modification of seed quality and culturizing the consumption of high nutritional value and quality bread.</p>

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